
Tuesday 17 September 2019

CARL WRITES: 28/8/19 - Powick, Worcestershire

Read the original story here.

The cat recorded skulking around St. Peter’s Church in Powick, Worcestershire, and reported in The Mirror, is also most likely a domestic cat going by its gracile anatomy and gait. It likewise appears to have the tell tail sharp pointed ears of a domestic cat, and might be also be wearing a collar. However, these latter features are admittedly not particularly clear in the video. If we presume that the headstones on the graves which the cat passes closely behind are standard sized headstones, then the cat does indeed seem fairly large. Powick is not particularly far from where I live in Warwickshire, therefore I intend to visit this location within the month and measure definitively the height and width of the headstones, which I expect are nonstandard (maybe the graves of children). There is of course every possibility that the cat in this video has no relevance to the previous reports of the so-called ‘Powick Puma’ and does not in any way discredit them. The colour of the cat in the video is not easily discernible but it appears to be dark, possibly dark brown, and seems to have a banded patterning on its tail. This cat looks much more like a wildcat than a puma and is thus probably a domestic cat of reasonably large dimensions. I will provide an update once I have had chance to visit the churchyard and located and measured the headstones. Watch this space!

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