
Sunday 16 February 2020

NEWSLINK: Mountain Lion Returns To Peninsula Home

For the fourth time in recent months, a mountain lion was filmed creeping through the same Peninsula backyard, seen on the Neighbors app.

Mountain lion sightings are a rarity for most people, but they're becoming almost routine at one Los Altos Hills home.

Video on the Neighbors app shows a mountain lion creeping through the home's backyard — the fourth such visit its residents have had since October, according to the video's uploader.

Footage of the new visit is nearly identical to a similar incident in December: the big cat can be seen walking to the middle of the yard, seemingly triggering a motion-activated light, before continuing on into the bushes and out of sight.

The Los Altos area has had numerous brushes with mountain lions in recent months: in November, a sighting shut down several hiking trails in Rancho San Antonio Preserve.

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