
Tuesday 26 May 2020

ARTICLE: Big cat sightings in Cumbria and the mysterious creatures spotted in the county

From the Beast of Bodmin in the south, to mysterious lynx like cat spotted in Cumbria, big cat sightings have been recorded up and down England for years.

The phenomenon is often linked back to the 60s and 70s when a law change meant keeping big cats was no longer legal without a license.

Some say this caused people who had purchased exotic pets from places like Harrods to dump them in the countryside.

Whether those once-prized pets could have survived in the wild, or bred, leading to sightings over the years, is a point few can agree on.

In April this year, photos were posted in a Facebook group called Big Cats in Cumbria after a woman spotted a "muscular" beast in the countryside when she was driving on her way to work.

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