Thursday 15 June 2017

SIGHTING, UK: Muscular big cat spotted bounding across road near St Albans

Another witness has come forward to report glimpsing a bounding big cat just outside St Albans.

Valerie Rodrigues was on her way back from Redbourn at about 8.30pm on June 6 when she spotted an animal dart out into the road in front of her car.

At first she dismissed it as a fox - it was a “gingery, sandy colour” she said, a similar size, and trotting - but as the car got closer it started to bound away.

She is now “absolutely sure” it was feline: “It was definitely a cat in the way it moved, in its well-defined muscles in its legs.

“Cats don’t run like dogs or foxes, they are more arched in their backs. I don’t doubt it was the cat.

“If it hadn’t run I might not have quite realised what it was.”


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