THERE'S nothing quite like a mystery
animal sighting to divert attention from life's less-happy realities
such as the global economic crisis.
So this week's reports of a big cat prowling the rural suburb of
Glenwood, north of Gympie, have not only given some light relief on the
news front, they have also reignited the age-old debate over the
existence of mythical and mysterious creatures in Queensland.
the Kilcoy Yowie to the Logan Bunyip; the Buderim Beast to the Gayndah
Bear, this state has had more than its fair share of unexplained animal
sightings over the decades.
Whole websites are now devoted to
Australian cryptozoology, featuring regular blogs detailing the latest
sightings, recording local legend and analysing every skerrick of data,
from prints and poo to grainy photos and video clips.
And now the Glenwood Panther can be added - thanks to the quick
thinking of Pepper Rd pensioner Colin Rossow, 67, who managed to take a
plaster cast of a huge paw print in soft dirt near his grape trellis
last week.READ MORE
I was driving home from work at about 11:15pm on 4/6/14 when I saw this mountain lion like cat lying about a meter off the road. It was about 1 and 1/2 meters long and about the size of a German shepherd. It was just lying there licking it paw. I have seen many feral cats but never this size.