Saturday 14 September 2013

US- Mystery cats: Still elusive after all these years

OAK HARBOR -- On a quiet morning this past May, a resident of a retirement center in Oak Harbor says she was looking out her window and saw it move. A cat. Not just any cat, but a very big cat that looked like a mountain lion or a cougar. Tan in color and moving fast across the fields. She wasn't the only one to see it, other residents and workers also saw the feline before it vanished.  The sighting was reported to police and soon thereafter, as a safety precaution, recess was cancelled at a nearby grade school. Traps were set by wildlife officials in hopes that they might catch it. 
That was 4 months ago, but no tracks were ever found and no other traces of the big cat were ever discerned. That's how these "cat sightings" are. Fleeting.  It was the same story in Ottawa County, in the summer of 1990, where residents of the small village of Genoa were also shaken by reports of a big "black cat" that was seen "loping" across SR 163 just inside the village limits. A subsequent search turned up little.READ ON

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